The new JBG-RDGA-L4z plug-in hydrocarbon multideck now leads the ETL list in terms of efficiency. The RDGA-L4z has achieved a listing on the UK’s Energy Technology List as the lowest energy multi-deck in its class.
The new RDGA-L4z plug-in unit uses an inverter compressor with R600a refrigerant and is available in sizes 1250, 1875, 2500 and 3750.
JBG’s focus on energy efficiency has enabled it to achieve market-leading efficiencies. The 2.5m unit, for instance, boasts an interdependently verified TEC of 8.3kWh/24hr, and an EEI of 2.62kWh/24hr/m².
The units also benefit from low noise (under 51dB on the 2500 model), low heat emissions (1.5kW on the 2500 model) and a low front typical of a remote case.
The RDGA-L4z employs JBG’s no defrost technology, which is achieved by a patented air circulation system and a specially designed evaporator. The enhanced air curtain of the appliance is said to help in reducing the heat gain through its open areas and the new evaporator design results in increased heat transfer. These improvements allow an increase in the evaporating temperature to approximately -3ᵒC and eliminates the build-up of frost on the evaporator.
The new unit also includes a “no maintenance” non-lamellar condenser, and can be used as a hybrid when linked to a water loop.
JBG-2 is constantly innovating, with the main focus on energy efficiency and natural refrigerants. JBG have numerous products listed on the ETL, and the ACA/Triple E register (Ireland’s equivalent of the ETL).